Why Some? | Buy Soma (Carisoprodol) Online

Why Soma?

Why Soma ? ( Carisoprodol) Oral-

Soma is an oral muscle relaxant used together with rest and physical therapy for the short-term relief of acute painful muscle and skeletal conditions in adults. It is only used for 2 to 3 weeks.
Soma’s exact mechanism of action is unknown. It may work by altering communication among nerves in parts of the brain that control the sensation of pain and in the spinal cord.

What are the important side effects of Soma (carisoprodol)?

The most common side effects of carisoprodol are:

  • Headache
  • Drowsiness
  • Dizziness
  • Agitation
  • Nervousness
  • Tremor
  • Irritability
  • Inability to sleep
  • Fainting
  • Abnormal heart beat
  • Seizures
  • Depression

Serious side effects of carisoprodol include:

  • Hives (angioedema)
  • Serious allergic reactions (anaphylaxis)
  • Seizures
  • Abuse
  • Fainting
  • Low blood pressure

Carisoprodol is not a controlled substance. Patients may become dependent on carisoprodol, and discontinuation after long-term use may cause withdrawal symptoms.
Patients may become dependent on carisoprodol, and discontinuation after long-term use may cause withdrawal symptoms.
Drug interactions of Soma include other medications and drugs that slow the brain’s processes, such as alcohol, barbiturates, benzodiazepines (for example, lorazepam), and narcotics, because Soma accentuates their effects and causes drowsiness.
• Omeprazole and fluvoxamine may reduce the elimination of Soma, leading to increased side effects. St. John’s wort and rifampin increase the elimination of Soma, possibly resulting in a reduced effect.
There are no adequate studies of Soma in pregnant women. Soma accumulates in breast milk in concentrations twice those of the mother’s blood.
The effects of Soma on the infants of lactating mothers are unknown. Caution should be used when using Soma in women who are breastfeeding.

Soma or Carisoprodol Addiction-

People often wonder if Soma is addictive. Prescription drug abuse is an increasingly troubling trend in the United States. Drug abuse doesn’t necessarily mean someone is addicted to a drug. What it does mean is that someone can be at a higher risk of addiction. Soma abuse includes taking the drug in any way outside of what’s prescribed or instructed by a doctor. Soma abuse can include taking a higher dose or taking it more often than prescribed. Other Soma abuse signs can include taking it without a prescription or combining it with other substances to increase the effects. Another sign of Soma abuse is taking it for longer than prescribed.

Short term Effect

When someone is abusing Soma, the short-term effects can include a sense of euphoria, as well as drowsiness and sedation. A person who is abusing Soma may seem like they’re intoxicated from alcohol since it is a depressant. Other short-term Soma effects can include sleep disturbances, irritability and impaired coordination. People who are abusing Soma may have problems with memory, judgment and concentration. They may also start to experience psychological symptoms like depression.

Long term Effect

The longer someone uses or abuses Soma, the more likely they are to become addicted or dependent upon it. People who use Soma long-term may also show changes in mood and thoughts of suicide. As someone continues to use Soma, their life may be consumed with obtaining and using the drug. People who are addicted or dependent upon Soma may have declining performance at school or work. Relationships may become strained as well. Long-term use of Soma can result in physical health problems, such as organ damage, seizures and respiratory problems.

Soma Addiction

The best way to reduce the risk of Soma addiction is to only take it for a short time and to follow prescription instructions. Signs of Soma addiction include the compulsive use of the drug or being unable to stop using. Someone addicted to Soma will often continue to take it despite negative consequences and effects. Someone who is addicted to Soma may “doctor shop” to get multiple prescriptions or steal it from friends or family.

What makes Soma Addictive

Soma has effects that some people find to be appealing, particularly when it’s used at higher doses. Some people seek out the euphoric, sedating and relaxing effects. These effects are the result of how Soma interacts with the GABA receptors in the brain. This can trigger a dopamine and reward response. These reward responses are how addiction develops. Polysubstance abuse is also quite common for people who are abusing Soma since the drug is considered to be a potentiator for other CNS depressants like opioids and alcohol. That means it heightens their effects, leading some to combine them together.

Signs and Symptoms to care of

It may be difficult to identify the signs and symptoms of Soma abuse because they may be so mixed up with the symptoms of other drugs that are commonly abused at the same time.
The drug is intended to cause sedation, muscle relaxation and relief from structural pain.
But there is a long list of the other symptoms caused by using or abusing Soma:

  • Drowsiness
  • Dizziness
  • Vertigo
  • Tremors
  • Agitation
  • Loss of coordination
  • Headache
  • Depression
  • Irritability
  • Insomnia
  • Fall in blood pressure leading to unconsciousness
  • Speeded up heart rate
  • Flushing
  • Nausea
  • Stomach ache
  • Weakness
  • Double vision
  • Temporary loss of vision
  • Euphoria
  • Giddiness
  • Confusion

There is a serious condition called transient quadriplegia that can occur after Soma use. Transient indicates that it is not long lasting, and quadriplegia refers to a severe weakness of all four limbs. This symptom may require hospitalization and would be a very good reason to avoid abusing this drug.
It is possible to overdose on Carisoprodol. When too much of the drug is taken, it results in a stupor, coma, shock, depression of breathing and even death.

Why Some? | Buy Soma (Carisoprodol) Online
Buy Soma Online Drug Name: Soma (Generic), Somadril (Generic) ; Tablet available 350mg, 500mg, 350mg, 500mg ;

Carisoprodol Overdose

Unintentionally if a person extends the standard dose and faces irrational body behavior, it’s a sign of Carisoprodol overdose. During such unforeseen circumstances, call your healthcare provider or local Poison Control Center for help. Inform them about the extra dose taken, and maybe it will help them better allocate a treatment for overdose.
Let’s learn the typical signs of overdose:
Some of the symptoms that indicate you might have overdosed on Soma include:

  • Hallucinations
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Shallow breathing
  • Lightheadedness
  • Vision problems
  • Coma
  • Muscle stiffness
  • Mental confusion
  • Fainting
  • Convulsions

Result of an overdose Excess use of Carisoprodol may require hospitalization and might put the patient’s life at risk, so discontinue using the medicine as soon as possible.
Any drugs taken are metabolized in the liver, and if Carisoprodol levels increase in the patients, which may lead to renal failure or reduced liver function.
Also, excess use of Soma may lead to addiction similar to sedatives and benzodiazepines, as seen from the review of substance abuse. Another reason for overdose could be the drug with alcohol or any other psych pharmaceuticals.
If the therapy continues, then the intensity of the side effects of Carisoprodol which is seen earlier, decreases with many other medications. However, continuous use of this drug may lead to increased tolerance, gradually resulting in dependence.
Therefore, it is always advisable to stick to the doctor’s prescription. Do not exceed or stop the dose midway leaving a hazardous impact on health.

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